Opt-In Forms
To place one of these forms into a new or existing page:
• Open the Opt-In Forms (DRAFT) Page in your WordPress admin panel dashboard.
• Place your cursor over the Raw HTML text field and click on the green pencil icon to Edit RAW HTML. Select All (Cmnd A) and Copy (Cmnd C) the whole field of HTML content.
• Create a new Page (or open an existing one) insert a new ROW and add a RAW HTML module to this row using Visual Composer. Paste (Cmnd P) the HTML you copied into the empty field and click Save changes.
• Click the Edit this row pencil icon (right of row) to style the row:
Type: Full Width Background;
Background Colour #24272a;
Text Colour: Light;
Text Alignment: Center;
Padding Top: 75;
Padding Bottom: 75.
• Save Draft, Preview & Publish.
These forms are linked to specific AWeber lists. To create a new Opt-In form, first set up a new list in AWeber. Use the Grow Your Leadership Template in AWeber as a base for the new Opt-In form. The HTML then needs to be edited to import fonts and styles.